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Wednesday, 22 June 2011 12:07

SIGMA Programme Mission Continues

A visit of SIGMA expert Ms Gunta Veismane (Latvia) continues. It is aimed at assisting in the development  of the Plan on institutional reforms in promoting the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, negotiations on which are continuing, in the framework of Comprehensive Institution Building (CIB).

 23 June, 2011 the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union jointly with the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine and School of Senior Civil Service organized the round table “Public Service in Ukraine: Historical Context” which is dedicated to the Day of public service.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011 12:04

SIGMA programme mission continues

A visit of SIGMA expert Ms Gunta Veismane (Latvia) continues. It is aimed at assisting in the development  of the Plan on institutional reforms in promoting the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, negotiations on which are continuing, in the framework of Comprehensive Institution Building (CIB).

Wednesday, 22 June 2011 12:03

SIGMA programme mission has started

 A visit of SIGMA expert Ms Gunta Veismane (Latvia) has started. It is aimed at assisting in the development of the Plan on institutional reform in promoting the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, negotiations on which are continuing, in the framework of Comprehensive Institution Building (CIB).

 On June 21, 2011, in the framework of SIGMA programme mission at Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine a seminar on "Experience of French Republic in the Field of Policy Coordination in Relations with the European Union" took place.

 Representatives of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the EU Delegation in Ukraine participated in the seminar.

 At the meeting the participants discussed the course of implementation of Ukrainian-Danish project “Technical Support for Public Service Reforms in Ukraine. Phase II”. Tymofiy Motrenko expressed appreciation for the continuity, understanding and flexibility in supporting the reforms from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the meeting there was also discussed the issue of administrative reform in Ukraine and its impact on the implementation of the joint project. Ole Christoffersen assured that Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to support the project.

 On the 7th of July, 2001, the round table "Creation of the new training system of the civil servants in Ukraine: tasks and instruments” in the framework of the implementation of Twinning project "Support to the development and improvement of the civil servants training system in Ukraine" was held. The Main Department of еру Civil Service of Ukraine and National Academy of Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (NAPA) are beneficiaries of the Twinning project.

 On 8 July 2011 at the premises of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine a meeting of Co-ordination Group on Preparation and Implementation of Institution Reform Plan in the Field of Support to the Implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and European Union which is Under Negotiations, within the framework of Comprehensive Institution Building Programme took place.

 On 5 July 2011 meeting regarding preparation of the fiche of the TWG project "Increasing of activity efficiency of state authorities in migration process management sphere, particularly on execution of EU-Ukraine Readmission Agreement" was held at the premises State Migration Service of Ukraine (SMS) premises.

On the 30th of June, 2011 at the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine (Ministry) a meeting on preparing ToR of Twinning project "Approximation of Ukraine to EU norms and standards in the field of vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities" took place.

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