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On February 21, 2011 Deputy Director of Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Nataiya Kyrychenko started her assignment to Tbilisi (Georgia) to participate in 2-day Worksop on Institutional Building and CIB Programme Implementation an to meet representatives of Georgia public administration.

Monday, 21 February 2011 08:52

Meeting regarding MESYS Twinning Project

On 21 February 2011 a working meeting regarding preparation of  the Twinning Fiche for the "Modernisation of legislation standards and content of vocational education training in Ukraine in line with the EU policy priorities in life-long learning" project was held. The Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (MESYS) is the beneficiary administration of the project.

 On 17 February, 2011 a working meeting on preparation of the Twinning project proposal for the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in the sphere of railway transport was held.

During the meeting there were presented the Twinning instrument generally and discussed main issues in the sphere of railway transport on which such Twinning project will be turned.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011 08:50

Meeting regarding MESYS Twinning Project

On 16 February 2011 a working meeting regarding preparation of  the Twinning Fiche for the "Modernisation of legislation standards and content of vocational education training in Ukraine in line with the EU policy priorities in life-long learning" project was held. The Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (MESYS) is the beneficiary administration of the project. 

 On February 16, 2011 the meeting regarding Twinning project preparation was held at the premises of the State Agency of Ukraine on Energy Efficiency and Saving (National Agency of Ukraine on Ensuring of Efficient Use of Energy Resources Management).

 On 14 February 2011 at the premises of Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (MESYS) the working meeting on preparation and implementation stages of the Twinning Projects was held.

The aim of the meeting was MESYS representatives consulting on the main features and procedure of Twinning, main features of TOR preparation, features of preparation of Twinning Fiche and Twinning Light.

 Functional review of structural units of oblast public administration is completed in Ivano-Frankivsk. Along with functional review of territorial units of central executive bodies of oblast level it was launched functional review of structural units of rayon public administrations as well as – rayon units of central executive bodies in Dolynsk and Rogatyn rayons. Functional review of territorial units of central executive bodies and structural units of oblast public administration is being completed in Poltava oblast.

A study visit of the Director of the School Senior Civil Service Oleksandr Saienko and the First Deputy Director of the Center for Adaptation of Civil Service to standards of the European Union Andriy Bega to the Canada School of Public Service (Ottawa) begun with the aim of study the approach of the Canadian Government to development and train managers - leaders in civil service in Canada.


On March 3, 2011 meeting between Twinning project coordinator from PAO Nadiia Kyzytska, Head of International Projects Cooperation Sector, and RTAs Johan Palm and Yves Dodane took place in the premises of Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

 On 2 March 2011 at the premises of Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine a working meeting on Drafting of Institution Reform Plan (IRP) in the sphere of support to the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU that is under negotiations took place.

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