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Thursday, 07 February 2013 16:01

Public reports

Public awareness about activity of government bodies and their participation in the process of increasing institutional capacity of Ukraine’s civil service and its approximation to the standards of the European Union is an important prerequisite of success in the development of the civil service.

Openness of intentions, transparency in decision-making and activity of the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine are shown in public reports containing information about specific outputs and results of its work based on the declared priorities.

Public reports are issued in Ukrainian (circulation of 5000 copies) and English (circulation of 2000 copies) and disseminated among politicians and officials of central and local executive bodies, educational institutions, centers for re-training and advanced training for employees of public bodies, bodies of local self-government, state enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Public report on activity in 2009

Public report 2008

Public report 2007

Public report 2006

Public report 2005

Public report 2004

Thursday, 07 February 2013 15:30

Legal drafting

List of documents, which are being developed by the Center (all documents are available on Ukrainian version of the web-site):

Draft Law of Ukraine „On Civil Service" (revised) from 20.09.07 submitted for consideration of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Draft Law of Ukraine „On Civil service" (revised)

Decrees of the President of Ukraine

Decree of the President of Ukraine "About Concept of Law-making in the Sphere of Civil Service in Ukraine" from 20.02.2006 # 140/2006

Draft Decree of the President of Ukraine "About Differentiation of Political Positions and Positions of Civil Servants in the System of Central bodies of Executive Power"

Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Some Issues of Registration, Storage and Use of Documents, Publications and Other Material Carriers of Data Containing Confidential Information in the Property of Government" from 19.07.2006 # 1000

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure on Organization of Preparation and Realization of Twinning Projects in Ukraine" from 07.02.2007 # 154

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Introducing Changes to Paragraph 6 of Statute about Ukrainian Delegation to the Ukraine-EU Cooperation Committee (By European Union)" from 13.04.2007 # 625

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Conditions of Remuneration for Employees of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Serice of the Standards of the European Union and its Regional Departments"from 1.10.2008 # 868

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Issue of the Center for Institutional Development of Civil Service" from 4.06. 2008 # 528

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Aprroval of the Procedure of Preparation and Implementation of the Plan of Engaging External Assistance of the European Commission within the Framework of TAIEX" from 9.04. 2008 #316

Draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Introducing Changes to the Procedure of Holding Competition on Occupying Vacant Positions of Civil Servants"

Draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On Introducing Changes to the Procedure of Keeping Personal Files of Civil Servants in the Bodies of Executive Power"

Draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Introducing Changes to the Procedure of Forming Staff Reserve for Civil Service"

Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Establishment of the Coordination Council on Organization of Governance Assessment under SIGMA baselines" from 05.04.2006 # 186-r

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Establishment of the Coordination Council on the Conduct of Functional Reviews of Central Bodies of Executive Power" from 16.11.2006 # 570-r

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Ensuring the Functioning of Policy Analysis Groups in Central Bodies of Executive Power and the Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" from 07.02.2007 # 32-r

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "About Signing the Cooperation Agreement between Government of Ukraine and Government of the United States of America in the field of Public Administration and Civil Service" from 26.04.2007 # 235-r

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "About Signing the Cooperation Agreement between Government of Ukraine and Government of Kingdom Denmark on Technical Assistance for Public Sector Reforms in Ukraine" from 20.06.2007 # 445-r

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "About Signing of the Memorandum of Undrerstanding between Government of Ukraine and Government of Canada related to the Human Resources Management Reform in the Civil Service Project" from 19.09. 2007 # 755-r

Thursday, 07 February 2013 15:40


 Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union disseminates legal, scientific and other types of information related to civil service, administrative reform and development of institutions in the context of European integration. Publications are disseminated among politicians and officials within central and local executive bodies, educational institutions, centers for re-training and advanced trainnig for officials in government bodies, bodies of local self-government, state enterprises, institutions and organizations.

The main publications of the Center are:

Publications in ukrainian language are presented here.

Оn January, 19, 2009 began the visit of director of the Center for adaptation of the civil service to the standards of the European Union – director of the Administrative office of the Twinning program Ms. Tetyana Kovtun to Baku, Azerbaijanian Republic. 

On 19 January 2009 the First Meeting of the Steering Committee for the Introduction and Development of Quality Management within the Ukrainian Police TWG project was held at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The project is implemented by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Beneficiary Administration) and the Ministry of Interior of the French Republic (MS Partner).

Since January, 26th to January, 28th, 2009 the Training „Introduction into the Process of the Policy Development” proceeds in which the representatives of the policy analysis groups created in the central organs of executive power take part. Training has been held in the premises of the School for Civil Service Top Corps.

Training was held by Martin'sh Krievin'sh, the Director of the Department for Policy Coordination of the State Chancery of Latvian Republic. During the training the participants of policy analysis groups learn the basic stages of policy development, modelling the process basing on the real examples, as well as discussing maintenance and the format of documents for the policy analysis. During the accomplishment of practical exercises training participants discuss urgent problems and analyse the instruments of policy used for their solution in proper sectors. Work results of the groups operated during the training will be taken into account by groups in the course of preparation of strategic documents.

The groups of the policy analysis were formed by Instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and will work during 2009 year in the context of preparation for the implementation of provisions of the future agreement on association with European Union under the followings trends:

- Policy Design in Sphere of Negotiation of Technical Barriers in Trade: the Standardization and Valuation of Correspondence

- Policy Design in the Sphere of Financing Facilities

- Policy Design in Sphere of Trade of Services: Capital Flow

Since January, 26th to January, 28th, 2009 the Training „Introduction into the Process of the Policy Development” proceeds in which the representatives of the policy analysis groups created in the central organs of executive power take part. Training has been held in the premises of the School for Civil Service Top Corps.

Training was held by Martin'sh Krievin'sh, the Director of the Department for Policy Coordination of the State Chancery of Latvian Republic. During the training the participants of policy analysis groups learn the basic stages of policy development, modelling the process basing on the real examples, as well as discussing maintenance and the format of documents for the policy analysis. During the accomplishment of practical exercises training participants discuss urgent problems and analyse the instruments of policy used for their solution in proper sectors. Work results of the groups operated during the training will be taken into account by groups in the course of preparation of strategic documents.

The groups of the policy analysis were formed by Instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and will work during 2009 year in the context of preparation for the implementation of provisions of the future agreement on association with European Union under the followings trends:

- Policy Design in Sphere of Negotiation of Technical Barriers in Trade: the Standardization and Valuation of Correspondence

- Policy Design in the Sphere of Financing Facilities

- Policy Design in Sphere of Trade of Services: Capital Flow


In the speech of the Head of the MDSCU Tymofiy Motrenko stressed the importance of reform of the Human resources management system in the central executive power bodies. «Modern civil service which is based on own administrative traditions and which is in accordance with the best  international standards of democratic governance is the inalienable constituent of subsequent development of the Ukrainian state and it European and world integration» - he marked.

On January, 23, 2009 Natalia Stukalova, the journalist of KDTRK “News by Kyiv`s time”, have interviewed Andriy Vyshnevskyi, the Deputy Head of the Main Department of Civil Service of Ukraine, and Eduard Zaharchenko, Director of the School of Top Civil Service of Ukraine as for the activity of the School of Top Civil Service during the session of the Round Table on “Civil Service and Civil Society in the Democratic State: Political Neutrality and Public Interest”.

On January, 23, 2009 in the framework of working visit to Ukraine of the President of Commission of Civil Service of Canada Ms.

On January, 20, 2009 The Round Table on “Civil Service and Civil Society in a democratic state: political open-mindedness and implementation of public interests” was held in the MDCSU

The organizers of the Round Table are MDSCU, international fund “Renascence” and the Rozumkov Ukrainian Center of Economic and Political Research under the support of Canada-Ukraine Civil Service Human Resources Management (UCS-HRM) Reform Project, presented by the President of Public Service Commission of Canada Maria Barrados.