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On February 16, 2010, the 33-rd meeting of the Ukrainian part of EU – Ukraine Cooperation Committee in premises of the Building of Government was held under the supervision of the Vice-prime-minister of Ukraine Hryhoriy Nemyria. The meeting was devoted to topical issues of free trade area between Ukraine and EU.

On Fabruary 9, 2010, in premises of the Delegation European Union to Ukraine the video-conference on preparation of the Comprehensive Institution-Building Programme in frameworks of the “Eastern Partnership” held. The Ukrainian delegation was led by Head of the Department of European Union of MFA Pavlo Klimkin, the European delegation was headed by the
representative from DG Enlargement, European Commission Douglas Carpenter.

On January, 30, 2010 under the chairmanship of Tymofii Motrenko, the Head of the MDCSU the General Meeting of the Head Office of the MDCSU, School of Senior Civil Service, Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the EU was held.

On January, 28, 2010 in premise of GOV Building the first sitting of the Joint Committee at Senior Officials level on implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agenda held.

The sitting was held under chairmanship of the Director of the Coordination Bureau of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the head of the Ukrainian part of the Joint Committee at Senior Officials level Vadym Triukhan.

Thursday, 25 March 2010 10:24

TAIEX workshop for contact points

On March 22 and 25, 2010 Svitlana Repik, Acting Head, TAIEX Issues Sector held the practical workshop on mechanisms and procedures of usage of institutional building tool TAIEX   for contact person of the central authorities/ beneficiary. 

On March 25, 2010 the three-day workshop "Methodic of collection and processing of statistic data in the courts of Ukraine. EU Standards" passed in the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine by external assistance instrument TAIEX.

On 25 March, 2010 head of the e-government unit of Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Yuriy Schepotko took part in the workshop on effective exploitation of computer accounting HR system "Card" in "UICC-Net" Ltd.

n 23 March 2010, Director of Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Serhiy Kucheruk took part in the meeting of top-managers of Main Department of Civil service of Ukraine (MDCSU) with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to Ukraine Jose Rodriguez Moyano.

On 19 March 2010 in the Ministry of Justice work meeting on the draft framework document of Comprehensive Institutional Building Programme (CIB) under the Eastern Partnership initiative took place.

18 March 2010 Deputy Head of the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine Andriy Vyshvesky took part in the meeting on the performance optimization of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.